Yoga Heals Us…. Still, people fear it
Many times, we do not realize that our habits can benefit us manifold. I would like to dedicate this article to all those people who have embraced the habit of yoga worldwide. Our body is a combination of various systems working together. We have the skeletal system of bones and joints, the muscular system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, etc. Our body is a huge lab in which many chemical reactions occur. These chemical reactions facilitate functions such as memory and movement of information between our muscles, minds, and nerves. The working of our bodies is an enigma for us. We are also unaware of the reason for our food cravings. Our emotions are responsible for the creation of these food cravings. Yoga is a science, which can heal all our diseases. It is a science, which exists for more than a thousand years. With regular practice of yoga, we can bring balance into our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual beings. This one habit benefits us manifold, without us realizing it. This is because we do not know all there is to know about yoga.
How does Yoga Heal us………..still why all don’t do it
In the lines below, we will understand how Yoga heals us. Whatever issue it is you are dealing with in your life, yoga helps you manage it. This statement is backed up by the research carried out in the scientific and medical world. Therefore, if we experience any ill health, whether it is mental, emotional, spiritual or even physical, embracing yoga will make a difference in our lives. Then the question that comes to mind is why not all the people embrace it? There is an attempt to answer this question in the lines below. It is generally said, “You can lead a horse to the water, but you can’t face it to drink water”. Agreed it is much more difficult to practice yoga regularly than to take a small pill or to undergo surgery. However, in taking a pill or going under the scalpel, there are side effects. Yoga, on the other hand, does not have any side effects.
However, yoga will not work in isolation. Yoga is not a magical cure that will give you good health in a hurry. However, yoga combined with the right diet and lifestyle can give you good health. The purpose of promoting yoga is because it has made a difference in the lives of people who have already embraced this discipline. Here, it is pertinent to mention that it has not been an easy path for all of them. They have been persistent and have toiled so that Yoga can become an inseparable part of their lives, which in turn has helped them enjoy better health. Many people still express their doubts when facts about yoga are thrown at them. Therefore, even if yoga is so beneficial, they don’t all embrace it. This main reason for this is…….fear. People have a fear that they may harm their bodies if they take up yoga.
However, when these very people Google the word yoga, they will come across many links, which will tell them the benefits of this magical science. When people know that yoga will help why do they still avoid practicing it. The only reason for it is that they are living in fear. They are afraid:
Ø To change
Ø To do something new
Ø Of what people might say
Ø Of what yoga might make them feel
These very people talk about their bad back, their bung knee or their sleep problems and still do not accept the fact that yoga will help them rid of these problems.
However, I will always promote yoga because it has made a tremendous difference in my mental, physical, spiritual and emotional well-being.